I’m always on the hunt for new products and things to watch my many systems, one of the real lack of items I kept coming across was a decent uptime and customer satisfaction monintor, reporting and alerting tool – plus if it looked nice and had some come of dashboard it would surely win,

I tried a few and may do a writeup about some of them soon, however my favourite so far is https://updown.io

You can monitor various web ports, customize the response time, check for page content, monitor uptime and response time

Here’s the sleek looking interface showing the perfect uptime and super speeds I get on this simple WordPress Blog,

UpDown.io for DanFry.net

You can see my uptime graphs here – https://updown.io/rku1

The pricing is reasonable and gives you the exact amount of time your uptime checks can run for within the budget allowance of credits,


Overall one of the best looking ones I’ve seen and highly recommend it, Give it a try and keep your site under a watchful eye..