Sans Forgetica, is not exactly the best way to start a blog post – but it’s certainly going to be memorable once you’ve checked it out.

This Font was designed by the RMIT University and boasts the following statement,

Sans Forgetica is a downloadable font that is scientifically designed to help you remember your study notes.

Here’s my website domain in this funky font design,

"Dan Fry . net" in Sans Forgetica

“Dan Fry . net” in Sans Forgetica

Take a look yourself and see what you think – Sans Forgetica – RMIT

Sans Forgetica is more difficult to read than most typefaces – and that’s by design. The ‘desirable difficulty’ you experience when reading information formatted in Sans Forgetica prompts your brain to engage in deeper processing.

I’m so going to change my website logo to use this font one day 😉